This paper presents a method for estimation of road profile for automotive research applications with more accuracy and higher speed. Dynamic response of a car equipped with position and velocity sensors and driving on a sample road is used as basic data. A feed-forward neural network, trained with outputs from a car model in ADAMS, is used as the car inverse model. The neural network is capable of estimating the road roughness from the car response during test drives. The ADAMS model is corrected and validated using a series of dynamic experiments on the car, performed on a hydro-pulse test rig. The only problem in this approach, like other identification and optimization methods, is the large volume of generated data in time domain, acquired from car response during road test. This problem is solved using wavelet methods to code the acquired data. Unlike all frequency methods that eliminate a large portion of the data details during processing, the wavelet coding method restores most of the details, while the volume of the stored data is kept to a minimum. The results show that this method can estimate the road profile accurately and with great savings in processing time and effort.
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ASME 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
July 19–22, 2004
Manchester, England
Use of Neural Network and Discrete Wavelet Transformations in Estimation of Road Profile
Mohammad Durali,
Mohammad Durali
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
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Alireza Kasaaizadeh
Alireza Kasaaizadeh
Saipa Company, Tehran, Iran
Search for other works by this author on:
Mohammad Durali
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Alireza Kasaaizadeh
Saipa Company, Tehran, Iran
Paper No:
ESDA2004-58361, pp. 461-465; 5 pages
Published Online:
November 11, 2008
Durali, M, & Kasaaizadeh, A. "Use of Neural Network and Discrete Wavelet Transformations in Estimation of Road Profile." Proceedings of the ASME 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. Volume 2. Manchester, England. July 19–22, 2004. pp. 461-465. ASME.
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