The working principle and performance of thermochemical batteries have been studied before [1–3]. In this paper, the performance of a thermochemical battery based on magnesium chloride and ammonia pair with a constant mass flow rate of ammonia gas is studied. It is shown that controlling the mass flow rate lowers the temperature of the reactive complex and increases the duration of the absorption process. However, it was observed that the reaction becomes mass transfer limited which slows the absorption rate and takes control of the reaction away from the mass flow controller. The progress of the reaction inside the reactor is studied in a single-cell reactor to understand the performance of these thermal batteries. It was shown that a reaction zone starts at the inlet and moves toward the end of the reactor. The mass transfer limited reaction zone movement reduces the absorption rate and temperature in the reaction zone.
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ASME 2018 12th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated with the ASME 2018 Power Conference and the ASME 2018 Nuclear Forum
June 24–28, 2018
Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Advanced Energy Systems Division
- Solar Energy Division
Absorption Process in MgCl2-NH3 Thermochemical Batteries With Constant Mass Flow Rate
Seyyed Ali Hedayat Mofidi,
Seyyed Ali Hedayat Mofidi
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
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Kent S. Udell
Kent S. Udell
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
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Seyyed Ali Hedayat Mofidi
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Kent S. Udell
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Paper No:
ES2018-7512, V001T08A005; 10 pages
Published Online:
October 4, 2018
Hedayat Mofidi, SA, & Udell, KS. "Absorption Process in MgCl2-NH3 Thermochemical Batteries With Constant Mass Flow Rate." Proceedings of the ASME 2018 12th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated with the ASME 2018 Power Conference and the ASME 2018 Nuclear Forum. ASME 2018 12th International Conference on Energy Sustainability. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. June 24–28, 2018. V001T08A005. ASME.
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