Reciprocating-piston compressors and expanders are promising solutions to achieve higher overall efficiencies in various energy storage solutions. This article presents an experimental study of the exergetic losses in a gas spring. Considering a valveless piston-cylinder system allows us to focus on the thermodynamic losses due to thermal-energy exchange processes in reciprocating components. To differentiate this latter loss mechanism from mass leakages or frictional dissipation, three bulk parameters are measured. Pressure and volume are respectively measured with a pressure transducer and a rotary sensor. The gas temperature is estimated by measuring the Time-Of-Flight (TOF) of an ultrasonic pulse signal across the gas chamber. This technique has the advantage of being fast and non-invasive. The measurement of three bulk parameters allows us to calculate the work as well as the heat losses throughout a cycle. The thermodynamic loss is also measured for different rotational speeds. The results are in good agreement with previous experimental studies and can be employed to validate CFD or analytical studies currently under development.

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