A complete study for a solar dryer is shown. In this work the lemon drying process is considered. Also, results for temperature distribution, currents lines velocities and density distribution are presented inside of the dryer chamber. Curves for dried are obtained when the lost mass of the lemon is measured. For this purpose, a digital balance is used and during several intervals of time the measures are done. A Compact Field point device of National Instrument is used to measure temperatures inside of the chamber in the dryer. Thermocouples k-type were placed in different points. By acquisition data, the values of temperature were measured for the test. By means of software (ANSYS) is discretized the inner zone and using the temperatures as boundary conditions. Solving the system defined for the equations according to the mesh defined, temperature, velocities and densities are determined. The results allowing to identify what is the behavior inside of the dryer and how the drying process happens. This way to study the drying process can be useful when the behavior inside of the chamber wants to be evaluated. In addition, this work can be useful in the design of solar dryers because allows to know how the trays can be placed to take advantage in the best way the solar energy in solar dryers.

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