A volumetric solar receiver for superheating evaporated sulfuric acid is developed as part of a 100kW pilot plant for the Hybrid Sulfur Cycle. The receiver, which uses silicon carbide foam as a heat transfer medium, heats evaporated sulfuric acid using concentrated solar energy to temperatures up to 1000 °C, which are required for the downstream catalytic reaction to split sulfur trioxide into oxygen and sulfur dioxide. Multiple approaches to modeling and analysis of the receiver are performed to design the prototype. Focused numerical modeling and thermodynamic analysis are applied to answer individual design and performance questions. Numerical simulations focused on fluid flow are used to determine the best arrangement of inlets, while thermodynamic analysis is used to evaluate the optimal dimensions and operating parameters. Finally a numerical fluid mechanics and heat transfer model is used to predict the temperature field within the receiver. Important lessons from the modeling efforts are given and their impacts on the design of a prototype are discussed.

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