An accurate building energy technology portfolio evaluation approach is needed that integrates physics-based models and business case analysis. Open source, parametric building modeling tools have recently matured to enable system-level building energy analysis at high fidelities. It is observed that these modeling tools usually only analyze energy savings and are not concerned with other criteria often factored into the choice of an energy technology portfolio. This paper presents an approach to constructing a parametric, physics-based, building-specific, business case analysis tool for quantifying multi-criteria performance of building energy technology portfolios. The resulting environment, which is used to build up a portfolio step-by-step and analyze performance trades, is explained through a case study. The application presented is for a building energy retrofit, comparing building energy consumption before and after application of technologies from a set of contenders, but it can be extended to the design of new buildings.
- Advanced Energy Systems Division
Development of a Building-Specific, Multi-Criteria Energy Technology Portfolio Evaluation Approach
Zhang, L, Li, Y, Duncan, S, Kim, J, & Mavris, D. "Development of a Building-Specific, Multi-Criteria Energy Technology Portfolio Evaluation Approach." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated with the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. Volume 2: Economic, Environmental, and Policy Aspects of Alternate Energy; Fuels and Infrastructure, Biofuels and Energy Storage; High Performance Buildings; Solar Buildings, Including Solar Climate Control/Heating/Cooling; Sustainable Cities and Communities, Including Transportation; Thermofluid Analysis of Energy Systems, Including Exergy and Thermoeconomics. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. June 30–July 2, 2014. V002T06A007. ASME.
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