The lighting systems of homes and workplaces today must be constantly redesigned to be environmentally friendly, sustainable, healthy and ergonomic. This requires maximizing the flow of daylight into indoors, minimizing the amount of pollutants used in their manufacture, long durability materials considered in the design, maximizing energy efficiency of the lighting system components, mimicking the spectrum of natural light and providing some control of lighting modes by the user. Taking into account all these considerations, it is proposed the design and construction of an intelligent lighting system that regulates the use of natural and artificial light, prioritizing the availability of the former over the latter in order to be implemented in housing in the region of the Yucata´n peninsula. To achieve this goal, it is designed and built a light sensor with its own signal conditioning circuit, a light tube of stainless steel with luminous flux control, a dimming circuit for a lamp that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and a control system with a PIC18f4550 micro controller.

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