The evaluation of wind power systems under real field conditions is essential to predict their actual capacity to convert the energy available in the wind into electrical power contributing to develop more robust applications. Detailed studies of the wind resources play a crucial role to estimate whether electricity can be generated from the wind at a reasonable cost for a specific region, Wind data collected from meteorological stations at the standard height (usually 10m above the ground level) can give a general idea about the energy availability but to obtain more precise estimates systematic data acquisition, analysis and presentation of wind data should be carried out for heights comparable to those of modern wind turbines (typically between 30 and 120m height). This paper presents the results obtained from a wind measurement station installed to monitor the wind speed and direction at 10m and 30m heights over three years at the Yucatan Peninsula in the eastern of Mexico. This study will allow establishing the basics conditions for futures studies about the wind conditions at higher heights.

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