The Energy Conservation Act 2001 was the first major initiative in India to channelize and catalyze energy efficiency improvement in various sectors of economy. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency was set up per the provision of this act, which in 2007 brought out Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) with an overall purpose of providing minimum requirements for the energy efficient design and construction of buildings. ECBC covers building envelope, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system, interior and exterior lighting system, service hot water, electrical power and motors. Since the launch of this code in May 2007, efforts are being made to promote and facilitate the adoption of this code through several training and capacity building programs. A program committee has been set to take care of the comments from stakeholders and inconsistencies, due to which revision of the code was brought out in May 2008. Currently the code is voluntary in the initial phase, but it is designed to be mandatory in future. One major feature of the code is that implementation is left under the scope of State and local governments. During the capacity building effort, a need was felt to provide additional guidance to design and construction professionals on the rationale behind the ECBC specifications and provide explanations to the key terms and concepts. The ECBC User Guide was therefore developed and released in July 2009 for this purpose. This paper describes the current status, experiences during capacity building and market transformation required for successful implementation of this code. It also covers commentary on how various stakeholders are contributing towards one common goal in different ways. With successful implementation, the code is expected to reduce the energy consumption of the upcoming new buildings by 20–40% from their average performance level at the time of launch of ECBC. Having this huge potential of energy saving, there is an urgent need to address the problems and issues for early adoption of the energy conservation building code in the country.

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