The present study attempts to take nitric acid as absorbent to clean up SO2 and NO gases simultaneously from the simulated flue gas in the lab-scale bubbling reactor, this study was divide into the individual DeNOx experiments and the combined DeSOx/DeNOx experiments: the individual DeNOx experiments were carried out to examine the effect of various operating parameters such as input NO concentration, nitric acid concentration, oxygen concentration input SO2 concentration, adding KMnO4 as additive and taking NaOH as the secondary absorption processes on the SO2 and NOx removal efficiencies at room temperature, the results of the individual DeNOx show that NO removal efficiency of 70%–95% were achieved under optimized conditions. NO removal efficiency increased with the increasing nitric acid concentration and increased by adding KMnO4 into the absorbent as additive as well. The removal efficiency of NO can reach 95% when using the two-step integrated processes of (HNO3+KMnO4)-NaOH, the absorption solution of 50% nitric acid, 400ppm of input NO concentration. 0.5% oxygen concentration and without SO2 in the simulated flue gas. No improvement on the NOx removal efficiency was observed with the increasing of KMnO4 and NaOH concentration in the scrubbing solution. The results of the combined DeSOx/DeNOx experiments show that the maximum DeNOx and DeSOx efficiencies ranged from 36.6% to 81% and from 99.4% to 100.0%, respectively. The prime parameters affecting the NOx removal efficiency are the oxygen concentration and the input SO2 concentration.
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ASME 2008 2nd International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated with the Heat Transfer, Fluids Engineering, and 3rd Energy Nanotechnology Conferences
August 10–14, 2008
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Advanced Energy Systems Division and Solar Energy Division
Study on the Experiments of Flue Gas Denitrification and Desulfurization Using Nitric Acid Solution
Bao-Ming Sun,
Bao-Ming Sun
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
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Shui-E Yin,
Shui-E Yin
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
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Zhong-Li Wang
Zhong-Li Wang
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Bao-Ming Sun
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Shui-E Yin
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Zhong-Li Wang
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Paper No:
ES2008-54073, pp. 239-246; 8 pages
Published Online:
June 22, 2009
Sun, B, Yin, S, & Wang, Z. "Study on the Experiments of Flue Gas Denitrification and Desulfurization Using Nitric Acid Solution." Proceedings of the ASME 2008 2nd International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated with the Heat Transfer, Fluids Engineering, and 3rd Energy Nanotechnology Conferences. ASME 2008 2nd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Volume 2. Jacksonville, Florida, USA. August 10–14, 2008. pp. 239-246. ASME.
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