A thermodynamic model is developed to predict trends in limiting COP of an adsorption cooling cycle with thermal regeneration between n beds, where n is any even number and each bed is spatially isothermal. The results of the model indicate the optimum distribution of beds throughout the cycle to maximize thermal regeneration. Simulations were run for silica gel-water and zeolite-water adsorbent-refrigerant pairs as the maximum bed temperature and the bed’s sensible load were varied. For the silica gel-water pair, the exothermic adsorption process occurs at lower temperatures than the endothermic desorption process, which prevents the latent loads from being thermally regenerated. This inability to regenerate latent loads results in a relatively small opportunity to increase COP through thermal regeneration, and this opportunity decreases rapidly with increasing number of beds. Conversely, for the zeolite-water pair much of the exothermic adsorption process occurs over the same temperature range as the endothermic desorption process, which allows a significant portion of the latent loads to be thermally regenerated. This ability to regenerate latent loads results in a much larger opportunity to increase COP through thermal regeneration, and this opportunity decreases much more gradually with increasing number of beds.

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