At present all cold air distribution systems are being used widely due to their advantages of smaller ductwork, shorter floor-to-floor height and less energy consumption etc. They are mostly used in VAV (Variable Air Volume) systems or with the radiant panel systems in the office and residential buildings at the supply air dew point temperature of 6∼10°C, rarely used in large space buildings. The technology of stratified air conditioning is one of the energy saving technologies to large space buildings, which has been popularly used in the conventional air supply systems with the supply air dew point temperature of 11∼16°C. In this paper, the cold air distribution system and the stratified air conditioning technology in a large space building are combined to study. With the method of CFD, the indoor thermal environment of a large space workshop is simulated. The velocity and the temperature as well as the relative humidity fields under different air flow modes are presented, analyzed and compared. With the help of numerical simulation results, the optimal airflow mode is proposed, which show that the all cold air distribution with the stratified air conditioning is a good option for large space buildings. All these above will be good references to the application of cold air distribution system and the selection of the airflow mode in large space buildings.

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