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Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. DSCC2020, Volume 1: Adaptive/Intelligent Sys. Control; Driver Assistance/Autonomous Tech.; Control Design Methods; Nonlinear Control; Robotics; Assistive/Rehabilitation Devices; Biomedical/Neural Systems; Building Energy Systems; Connected Vehicle Systems; Control/Estimation of Energy Systems; Control Apps.; Smart Buildings/Microgrids; Education; Human-Robot Systems; Soft Mechatronics/Robotic Components/Systems; Energy/Power Systems; Energy Storage; Estimation/Identification; Vehicle Efficiency/Emissions, V001T05A012, October 5–7, 2020
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2020-3291
... Abstract This paper presents cooperation and null-space control for networked mobile manipulators with high degrees of freedom (DOFs). First, kinematic model and Euler-Lagrange dynamic model of the mobile manipulator, which has an articulated robot arm mounted on a mobile base with omni...