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Proceedings Papers
Baitao Xiao, Tyler Kelly, Timothy Stolzenfeld, Chenliu Lu, Dave Bell, Mrdjan Jankovic, Julia Buckland, John Rollinger
Proc. ASME. DSCC2019, Volume 2: Modeling and Control of Engine and Aftertreatment Systems; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Aftertreatment Systems; Modeling and Validation; Motion Planning and Tracking Control; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Renewable and Smart Energy Systems; Thermal Energy Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicles; Vehicle Dynamics and Stability; Vibrations: Modeling, Analysis, and Control, V002T11A001, October 8–11, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2019-9038
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2019, Volume 2: Modeling and Control of Engine and Aftertreatment Systems; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Aftertreatment Systems; Modeling and Validation; Motion Planning and Tracking Control; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Renewable and Smart Energy Systems; Thermal Energy Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicles; Vehicle Dynamics and Stability; Vibrations: Modeling, Analysis, and Control, V002T12A003, October 8–11, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2019-9039
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2018, Volume 2: Control and Optimization of Connected and Automated Ground Vehicles; Dynamic Systems and Control Education; Dynamics and Control of Renewable Energy Systems; Energy Harvesting; Energy Systems; Estimation and Identification; Intelligent Transportation and Vehicles; Manufacturing; Mechatronics; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Aftertreatment Systems; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Powertrain Systems; Modeling and Management of Power Systems, V002T27A006, September 30–October 3, 2018
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2018-9134
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2017, Volume 3: Vibration in Mechanical Systems; Modeling and Validation; Dynamic Systems and Control Education; Vibrations and Control of Systems; Modeling and Estimation for Vehicle Safety and Integrity; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Aftertreatment Systems; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Their Applications; Dynamics and Control of Renewable Energy Systems; Energy Harvesting; Control of Smart Buildings and Microgrids; Energy Systems, V003T34A004, October 11–13, 2017
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2017-5119
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2017, Volume 3: Vibration in Mechanical Systems; Modeling and Validation; Dynamic Systems and Control Education; Vibrations and Control of Systems; Modeling and Estimation for Vehicle Safety and Integrity; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Aftertreatment Systems; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Their Applications; Dynamics and Control of Renewable Energy Systems; Energy Harvesting; Control of Smart Buildings and Microgrids; Energy Systems, V003T34A003, October 11–13, 2017
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2017-5101
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2016, Volume 2: Mechatronics; Mechatronics and Controls in Advanced Manufacturing; Modeling and Control of Automotive Systems and Combustion Engines; Modeling and Validation; Motion and Vibration Control Applications; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Path Planning and Motion Control; Robot Manipulators; Sensors and Actuators; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamic Controls; Vehicle Dynamics and Traffic Control, V002T20A003, October 12–14, 2016
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2016-9691
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2016, Volume 2: Mechatronics; Mechatronics and Controls in Advanced Manufacturing; Modeling and Control of Automotive Systems and Combustion Engines; Modeling and Validation; Motion and Vibration Control Applications; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Path Planning and Motion Control; Robot Manipulators; Sensors and Actuators; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamic Controls; Vehicle Dynamics and Traffic Control, V002T19A002, October 12–14, 2016
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2016-9792
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2016, Volume 2: Mechatronics; Mechatronics and Controls in Advanced Manufacturing; Modeling and Control of Automotive Systems and Combustion Engines; Modeling and Validation; Motion and Vibration Control Applications; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Path Planning and Motion Control; Robot Manipulators; Sensors and Actuators; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamic Controls; Vehicle Dynamics and Traffic Control, V002T19A004, October 12–14, 2016
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2016-9819
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2016, Volume 2: Mechatronics; Mechatronics and Controls in Advanced Manufacturing; Modeling and Control of Automotive Systems and Combustion Engines; Modeling and Validation; Motion and Vibration Control Applications; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Path Planning and Motion Control; Robot Manipulators; Sensors and Actuators; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamic Controls; Vehicle Dynamics and Traffic Control, V002T19A005, October 12–14, 2016
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2016-9856
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2015, Volume 1: Adaptive and Intelligent Systems Control; Advances in Control Design Methods; Advances in Non-Linear and Optimal Control; Advances in Robotics; Advances in Wind Energy Systems; Aerospace Applications; Aerospace Power Optimization; Assistive Robotics; Automotive 2: Hybrid Electric Vehicles; Automotive 3: Internal Combustion Engines; Automotive Engine Control; Battery Management; Bio Engineering Applications; Biomed and Neural Systems; Connected Vehicles; Control of Robotic Systems, V001T12A003, October 28–30, 2015
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2015-9729
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2013, Volume 1: Aerial Vehicles; Aerospace Control; Alternative Energy; Automotive Control Systems; Battery Systems; Beams and Flexible Structures; Biologically-Inspired Control and its Applications; Bio-Medical and Bio-Mechanical Systems; Biomedical Robots and Rehab; Bipeds and Locomotion; Control Design Methods for Adv. Powertrain Systems and Components; Control of Adv. Combustion Engines, Building Energy Systems, Mechanical Systems; Control, Monitoring, and Energy Harvesting of Vibratory Systems, V001T04A006, October 21–23, 2013
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2013-4100
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2011, ASME 2011 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference and Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, Volume 2, 619-626, October 31–November 2, 2011
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2011-5992
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2010, ASME 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Volume 2, 703-710, September 12–15, 2010
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2010-4240
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2009, ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Volume 2, 281-287, October 12–14, 2009
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2009-2537
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2009, ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Volume 1, 873-880, October 12–14, 2009
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2009-2506