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Proceedings Papers
Amir Khameneian, Xin Wang, Paul Dice, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Jefferey D. Naber, Chad Archer, Peter Moilanen, Chris Glugla, Garlan Huberts
Proc. ASME. DSCC2020, Volume 2: Intelligent Transportation/Vehicles; Manufacturing; Mechatronics; Engine/After-Treatment Systems; Soft Actuators/Manipulators; Modeling/Validation; Motion/Vibration Control Applications; Multi-Agent/Networked Systems; Path Planning/Motion Control; Renewable/Smart Energy Systems; Security/Privacy of Cyber-Physical Systems; Sensors/Actuators; Tracking Control Systems; Unmanned Ground/Aerial Vehicles; Vehicle Dynamics, Estimation, Control; Vibration/Control Systems; Vibrations, V002T26A002, October 5–7, 2020
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2020-3280
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2018, Volume 2: Control and Optimization of Connected and Automated Ground Vehicles; Dynamic Systems and Control Education; Dynamics and Control of Renewable Energy Systems; Energy Harvesting; Energy Systems; Estimation and Identification; Intelligent Transportation and Vehicles; Manufacturing; Mechatronics; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Aftertreatment Systems; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Powertrain Systems; Modeling and Management of Power Systems, V002T26A003, September 30–October 3, 2018
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2018-9178
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2018, Volume 2: Control and Optimization of Connected and Automated Ground Vehicles; Dynamic Systems and Control Education; Dynamics and Control of Renewable Energy Systems; Energy Harvesting; Energy Systems; Estimation and Identification; Intelligent Transportation and Vehicles; Manufacturing; Mechatronics; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Aftertreatment Systems; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Powertrain Systems; Modeling and Management of Power Systems, V002T27A006, September 30–October 3, 2018
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2018-9134
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2016, Volume 2: Mechatronics; Mechatronics and Controls in Advanced Manufacturing; Modeling and Control of Automotive Systems and Combustion Engines; Modeling and Validation; Motion and Vibration Control Applications; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Path Planning and Motion Control; Robot Manipulators; Sensors and Actuators; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamic Controls; Vehicle Dynamics and Traffic Control, V002T20A004, October 12–14, 2016
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2016-9696
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2016, Volume 2: Mechatronics; Mechatronics and Controls in Advanced Manufacturing; Modeling and Control of Automotive Systems and Combustion Engines; Modeling and Validation; Motion and Vibration Control Applications; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Path Planning and Motion Control; Robot Manipulators; Sensors and Actuators; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamic Controls; Vehicle Dynamics and Traffic Control, V002T19A004, October 12–14, 2016
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2016-9819
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2015, Volume 1: Adaptive and Intelligent Systems Control; Advances in Control Design Methods; Advances in Non-Linear and Optimal Control; Advances in Robotics; Advances in Wind Energy Systems; Aerospace Applications; Aerospace Power Optimization; Assistive Robotics; Automotive 2: Hybrid Electric Vehicles; Automotive 3: Internal Combustion Engines; Automotive Engine Control; Battery Management; Bio Engineering Applications; Biomed and Neural Systems; Connected Vehicles; Control of Robotic Systems, V001T12A005, October 28–30, 2015
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2015-9858
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2015, Volume 3: Multiagent Network Systems; Natural Gas and Heat Exchangers; Path Planning and Motion Control; Powertrain Systems; Rehab Robotics; Robot Manipulators; Rollover Prevention (AVS); Sensors and Actuators; Time Delay Systems; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamics Control; Vibration and Control of Smart Structures/Mech Systems; Vibration Issues in Mechanical Systems, V003T50A001, October 28–30, 2015
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2015-9653
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2015, Volume 1: Adaptive and Intelligent Systems Control; Advances in Control Design Methods; Advances in Non-Linear and Optimal Control; Advances in Robotics; Advances in Wind Energy Systems; Aerospace Applications; Aerospace Power Optimization; Assistive Robotics; Automotive 2: Hybrid Electric Vehicles; Automotive 3: Internal Combustion Engines; Automotive Engine Control; Battery Management; Bio Engineering Applications; Biomed and Neural Systems; Connected Vehicles; Control of Robotic Systems, V001T12A001, October 28–30, 2015
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2015-9657
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2015, Volume 1: Adaptive and Intelligent Systems Control; Advances in Control Design Methods; Advances in Non-Linear and Optimal Control; Advances in Robotics; Advances in Wind Energy Systems; Aerospace Applications; Aerospace Power Optimization; Assistive Robotics; Automotive 2: Hybrid Electric Vehicles; Automotive 3: Internal Combustion Engines; Automotive Engine Control; Battery Management; Bio Engineering Applications; Biomed and Neural Systems; Connected Vehicles; Control of Robotic Systems, V001T12A003, October 28–30, 2015
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2015-9729
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2014, Volume 2: Dynamic Modeling and Diagnostics in Biomedical Systems; Dynamics and Control of Wind Energy Systems; Vehicle Energy Management Optimization; Energy Storage, Optimization; Transportation and Grid Applications; Estimation and Identification Methods, Tracking, Detection, Alternative Propulsion Systems; Ground and Space Vehicle Dynamics; Intelligent Transportation Systems and Control; Energy Harvesting; Modeling and Control for Thermo-Fluid Applications, IC Engines, Manufacturing, V002T34A003, October 22–24, 2014
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2014-6146
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2014, Volume 2: Dynamic Modeling and Diagnostics in Biomedical Systems; Dynamics and Control of Wind Energy Systems; Vehicle Energy Management Optimization; Energy Storage, Optimization; Transportation and Grid Applications; Estimation and Identification Methods, Tracking, Detection, Alternative Propulsion Systems; Ground and Space Vehicle Dynamics; Intelligent Transportation Systems and Control; Energy Harvesting; Modeling and Control for Thermo-Fluid Applications, IC Engines, Manufacturing, V002T36A004, October 22–24, 2014
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2014-5999
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2014, Volume 1: Active Control of Aerospace Structure; Motion Control; Aerospace Control; Assistive Robotic Systems; Bio-Inspired Systems; Biomedical/Bioengineering Applications; Building Energy Systems; Condition Based Monitoring; Control Design for Drilling Automation; Control of Ground Vehicles, Manipulators, Mechatronic Systems; Controls for Manufacturing; Distributed Control; Dynamic Modeling for Vehicle Systems; Dynamics and Control of Mobile and Locomotion Robots; Electrochemical Energy Systems, V001T15A004, October 22–24, 2014
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2014-6065
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2013, Volume 1: Aerial Vehicles; Aerospace Control; Alternative Energy; Automotive Control Systems; Battery Systems; Beams and Flexible Structures; Biologically-Inspired Control and its Applications; Bio-Medical and Bio-Mechanical Systems; Biomedical Robots and Rehab; Bipeds and Locomotion; Control Design Methods for Adv. Powertrain Systems and Components; Control of Adv. Combustion Engines, Building Energy Systems, Mechanical Systems; Control, Monitoring, and Energy Harvesting of Vibratory Systems, V001T04A006, October 21–23, 2013
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2013-4100
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2013, Volume 1: Aerial Vehicles; Aerospace Control; Alternative Energy; Automotive Control Systems; Battery Systems; Beams and Flexible Structures; Biologically-Inspired Control and its Applications; Bio-Medical and Bio-Mechanical Systems; Biomedical Robots and Rehab; Bipeds and Locomotion; Control Design Methods for Adv. Powertrain Systems and Components; Control of Adv. Combustion Engines, Building Energy Systems, Mechanical Systems; Control, Monitoring, and Energy Harvesting of Vibratory Systems, V001T11A001, October 21–23, 2013
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2013-3763
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2013, Volume 3: Nonlinear Estimation and Control; Optimization and Optimal Control; Piezoelectric Actuation and Nanoscale Control; Robotics and Manipulators; Sensing; System Identification (Estimation for Automotive Applications, Modeling, Therapeutic Control in Bio-Systems); Variable Structure/Sliding-Mode Control; Vehicles and Human Robotics; Vehicle Dynamics and Control; Vehicle Path Planning and Collision Avoidance; Vibrational and Mechanical Systems; Wind Energy Systems and Control, V003T41A005, October 21–23, 2013
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2013-3984
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2013, Volume 3: Nonlinear Estimation and Control; Optimization and Optimal Control; Piezoelectric Actuation and Nanoscale Control; Robotics and Manipulators; Sensing; System Identification (Estimation for Automotive Applications, Modeling, Therapeutic Control in Bio-Systems); Variable Structure/Sliding-Mode Control; Vehicles and Human Robotics; Vehicle Dynamics and Control; Vehicle Path Planning and Collision Avoidance; Vibrational and Mechanical Systems; Wind Energy Systems and Control, V003T42A001, October 21–23, 2013
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2013-3798
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2012-MOVIC2012, Volume 1: Adaptive Control; Advanced Vehicle Propulsion Systems; Aerospace Systems; Autonomous Systems; Battery Modeling; Biochemical Systems; Control Over Networks; Control Systems Design; Cooperative and Decentralized Control; Dynamic System Modeling; Dynamical Modeling and Diagnostics in Biomedical Systems; Dynamics and Control in Medicine and Biology; Estimation and Fault Detection; Estimation and Fault Detection for Vehicle Applications; Fluid Power Systems; Human Assistive Systems and Wearable Robots; Human-in-the-Loop Systems; Intelligent Transportation Systems; Learning Control, 689-695, October 17–19, 2012
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2012-MOVIC2012-8839
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2012-MOVIC2012, Volume 2: Legged Locomotion; Mechatronic Systems; Mechatronics; Mechatronics for Aquatic Environments; MEMS Control; Model Predictive Control; Modeling and Model-Based Control of Advanced IC Engines; Modeling and Simulation; Multi-Agent and Cooperative Systems; Musculoskeletal Dynamic Systems; Nano Systems; Nonlinear Systems; Nonlinear Systems and Control; Optimal Control; Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems; Power and Renewable Energy Systems; Powertrain Systems, 793-801, October 17–19, 2012
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2012-MOVIC2012-8787
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2011, ASME 2011 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference and Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, Volume 1, 53-60, October 31–November 2, 2011
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2011-5988
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DSCC2011, ASME 2011 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference and Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, Volume 1, 867-874, October 31–November 2, 2011
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DSCC2011-6035