With the rapid growth in the amount of computations that need to be performed by modern electronic control units and in the complexity of the algorithms, there is a pressing need to develop approaches to reduce chronometric loading in automotive vehicles. This paper presents a cyberphysical systems framework for the development of stochastic optimal decision policies that trigger the computations online. For a specific case study, we consider online triggering of the computations involved in obtaining a linearized model in a setting when such a linearized model is required by control or estimation algorithms. The objective is to define a policy for triggering the linearization that balances the average model accuracy (or expected closed loop performance) with the average computational cost. The problem is formulated as a stochastic optimal control problem and solved using stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). The approach is described, then illustrated with three examples, a pendulum, a turbocharged diesel engine, and a turbocharged spark ignition engine, that illustrate the trade-off between the computational cost and expected linearized model accuracy.
- Dynamic Systems and Control Division
Stochastic Policies for Online Computation Triggering in Powertrain Control
Liu, K, Wang, YY, Haskara, I, Chang, C, Girard, A, & Kolmanovsky, I. "Stochastic Policies for Online Computation Triggering in Powertrain Control." Proceedings of the ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. Volume 1: Advances in Control Design Methods; Advances in Nonlinear Control; Advances in Robotics; Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics; Automotive Dynamics and Emerging Powertrain Technologies; Automotive Systems; Bio Engineering Applications; Bio-Mechatronics and Physical Human Robot Interaction; Biomedical and Neural Systems; Biomedical and Neural Systems Modeling, Diagnostics, and Healthcare. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. September 30–October 3, 2018. V001T01A007. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/DSCC2018-9045
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