An electromagnetic energy harvester for railroad application featuring anchorless mounting is presented along with system modeling and in-field testing results. The spring-reset mechanism allows harvester to be installed on any railroad sleepers without any change to the existing ballast and foundation. A railway train-track-harvester model is established for design validation and risk assessment. Within harvester, train-pass induced track vibration is translated to rotation and then conditioned thru mechanical motion rectifier mechanism for generator to operate in one direction with a relatively steady speed. Particularly, in-field test demonstrates that harvester can harness electric at an average power of 6.9 Watts and a peak power of 60 Watts when test cargo train running at 40 mph (64 km/h). Dynamic modeling of the vehicle-rail system are also developed to estimate the displacement of the sleeper under various train weight and speed. Simulation result based on typical train parameters are provided and compared with infield test result.

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