A position-synchronization controller for functional electrical stimulation (FES)-based telerehabilitation was designed. The developed controller synchronizes an FES-driven human limb with a remote physical therapist’s manipulator despite constant bilateral communication delays. The control design overcomes a major stability analysis challenge: the unknown and unstructured nonlinearities in the FES-driven musculoskeletal dynamics. To address this challenge, the nonlinear muscle model was estimated through two neural networks with online update laws. A Lyapunov-based stability analysis was used to prove the globally uniformly ultimately bounded tracking performance. The control performance of the state synchronization controller is depicted using a simulation of an FES-elicited elbow extension that is remotely controlled by a manipulator.
- Dynamic Systems and Control Division
A State Synchronization Controller for Functional Electrical Stimulation-Based Telerehabilitation
Alibeji, NA, Kirsch, NA, Sethi, A, & Sharma, N. "A State Synchronization Controller for Functional Electrical Stimulation-Based Telerehabilitation." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. Volume 3: Industrial Applications; Modeling for Oil and Gas, Control and Validation, Estimation, and Control of Automotive Systems; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Control System Design; Physical Human-Robot Interaction; Rehabilitation Robotics; Sensing and Actuation for Control; Biomedical Systems; Time Delay Systems and Stability; Unmanned Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Motion Controls; Vibration Analysis and Isolation; Vibration and Control for Energy Harvesting; Wind Energy. San Antonio, Texas, USA. October 22–24, 2014. V003T43A004. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/DSCC2014-6139
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