Active magnetic bearings (AMBs) provide support to rotating machinery through magnetic forces which are regulated through active feedback control. As AMBs continue to establish themselves as a proven technology, many classical and modern techniques are being employed to address the design of the control law. The current work studies three of the controller design techniques which are common in the literature for AMB applications: PID, LQG, and μ-synthesis. A controller is designed for an AMB system using each of the three techniques. Details of the design processes are given and the resulting controllers are compared. Finally, the controllers are implemented on the experimental system and the closed-loop characteristics are measured and evaluated. This work provides a common case study to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of PID, LQG, and μ-synthesis control methodologies as applied to a specific AMB system.
- Dynamic Systems and Control Division
A Case Study in Control Methods for Active Magnetic Bearings
Pesch, AH, Hanawalt, SP, & Sawicki, JT. "A Case Study in Control Methods for Active Magnetic Bearings." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. Volume 1: Active Control of Aerospace Structure; Motion Control; Aerospace Control; Assistive Robotic Systems; Bio-Inspired Systems; Biomedical/Bioengineering Applications; Building Energy Systems; Condition Based Monitoring; Control Design for Drilling Automation; Control of Ground Vehicles, Manipulators, Mechatronic Systems; Controls for Manufacturing; Distributed Control; Dynamic Modeling for Vehicle Systems; Dynamics and Control of Mobile and Locomotion Robots; Electrochemical Energy Systems. San Antonio, Texas, USA. October 22–24, 2014. V001T12A003. ASME.
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