Control of an inverted pendulum using horizontal force (e.g. cart-pole) is a well-established problem. However, there is no work in the literature that addresses controlling an inverted pendulum using only vertical force without horizontal movement. In this paper, control algorithm is presented that can control the inverted pendulum via only vertical force within the operating range of the given system. In the process, the dynamic stabilizing effect of vertical harmonic oscillation acting on inverted pendulum is exploited and previous works on the analysis of the stabilizing effect is utilized. The result is a nonlinear controller that combines sliding mode and energy shaping control which is capable of stabilizing the pendulum upright as well as at any titled angle within the region of attraction described. This is done for pendulum starting at any initial angle while maintaining vertical movement of the inverted pendulum within the prescribed space limit.
- Dynamic Systems and Control Division
Control of Inverted Pendulum Using Only Vertical Force via Harmonic Oscillation
Choi, C. "Control of Inverted Pendulum Using Only Vertical Force via Harmonic Oscillation." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. Volume 3: Nonlinear Estimation and Control; Optimization and Optimal Control; Piezoelectric Actuation and Nanoscale Control; Robotics and Manipulators; Sensing; System Identification (Estimation for Automotive Applications, Modeling, Therapeutic Control in Bio-Systems); Variable Structure/Sliding-Mode Control; Vehicles and Human Robotics; Vehicle Dynamics and Control; Vehicle Path Planning and Collision Avoidance; Vibrational and Mechanical Systems; Wind Energy Systems and Control. Palo Alto, California, USA. October 21–23, 2013. V003T44A001. ASME.
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