Passive dynamic walking is a manner of walking developed, partially or in whole, by the energy provided by gravity. Studying passive dynamic walking provides insight into human walking and is an invaluable tool for designing energy efficient biped robots. The objective of this research was to develop a continuous mathematical model of passive dynamic walking, in which the Hunt-Crossley contact model and the LuGre friction model were used to represent the normal and tangential ground reactions. A physical passive walker was built to validate the proposed mathematical model. A traditional impact-based passive walking model was also used as a reference to demonstrate the advancement of the proposed passive dynamic walking model. The simulated gait of the proposed model matched the gait of the physical passive walker exceptionally well, both in trend and magnitude.
- Dynamic Systems and Control Division
Development of an Advanced Model of Passive Dynamic Biped Walking
Koop, D, & Wu, CQ. "Development of an Advanced Model of Passive Dynamic Biped Walking." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. Volume 1: Aerial Vehicles; Aerospace Control; Alternative Energy; Automotive Control Systems; Battery Systems; Beams and Flexible Structures; Biologically-Inspired Control and its Applications; Bio-Medical and Bio-Mechanical Systems; Biomedical Robots and Rehab; Bipeds and Locomotion; Control Design Methods for Adv. Powertrain Systems and Components; Control of Adv. Combustion Engines, Building Energy Systems, Mechanical Systems; Control, Monitoring, and Energy Harvesting of Vibratory Systems. Palo Alto, California, USA. October 21–23, 2013. V001T10A002. ASME.
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