Store-induced limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) are a common issue on current fighter aircraft and are expected to be present on next generation fighter aircraft. Current efforts in control systems designed to suppress LCO behavior have been either linear and restricted to specific flight regimes or nonlinear but require uncertainties in the system dynamics to be linear-in-the-parameters and only present in the torsional stiffness. Furthermore, the aerodynamic model used in prior research efforts neglects any nonlinear effects. This paper presents the development of a controller consisting of a continuous RISE feedback term with a neural network feedforward term to achieve semiglobal asymptotic tracking of the wing angle of attack in the presence of structural and aerodynamic uncertainties that do not satisfy the linear-in-the-parameter assumption.
- Dynamic Systems and Control Division
Lyapunov-Based Tracking of Store-Induced Limit Cycle Oscillations in an Aeroelastic System
Bialy, BJ, Pasiliao, CL, Dinh, HT, & Dixon, WE. "Lyapunov-Based Tracking of Store-Induced Limit Cycle Oscillations in an Aeroelastic System." Proceedings of the ASME 2012 5th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference joint with the JSME 2012 11th Motion and Vibration Conference. Volume 3: Renewable Energy Systems; Robotics; Robust Control; Single Track Vehicle Dynamics and Control; Stochastic Models, Control and Algorithms in Robotics; Structure Dynamics and Smart Structures; Surgical Robotics; Tire and Suspension Systems Modeling; Vehicle Dynamics and Control; Vibration and Energy; Vibration Control. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. October 17–19, 2012. pp. 803-811. ASME.
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