In this study, a feasibility study on the stability of quadrupedal gait patterns with changeable body stiffness is reported. The periodic motions of the legs are generated as a rhythmic motion. The stability of locomotion strongly depends on the mechanical properties of the body mechanism, visco-elastic property of the the trunk. In this report, the muscle tone of the robot motion at the trunk is changeable by using the changeable visco-elasticity of the pneumatic actuators. The stability of quadruped locomotion in crawl, trot and pace patterns with changeable body’s visco-elasticity was evaluated with hardware experiments. And the stabilization mechanism is approximated by a simple two-inertia system model and analyzed with numerical simulations.
- Dynamic Systems and Control Division
A Study on Gait Stability of Quadrupedal Musculoskeletal Robot Using a Two-Inertia System Model
Tsujita, K. "A Study on Gait Stability of Quadrupedal Musculoskeletal Robot Using a Two-Inertia System Model." Proceedings of the ASME 2012 5th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference joint with the JSME 2012 11th Motion and Vibration Conference. Volume 2: Legged Locomotion; Mechatronic Systems; Mechatronics; Mechatronics for Aquatic Environments; MEMS Control; Model Predictive Control; Modeling and Model-Based Control of Advanced IC Engines; Modeling and Simulation; Multi-Agent and Cooperative Systems; Musculoskeletal Dynamic Systems; Nano Systems; Nonlinear Systems; Nonlinear Systems and Control; Optimal Control; Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems; Power and Renewable Energy Systems; Powertrain Systems. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. October 17–19, 2012. pp. 41-48. ASME.
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