The brief instability concept in Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems allows the linear system to be unstable for some values of the LPV parameters so that instability occurs only for a short period of time. The present paper takes advantage of an extension of the notion of the brief instability to the LPV systems with time-delay in their dynamics to examine the performance degradation in Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) systems in the presence of false identification of the fault signals. The paper provides tools for the stability and performance analysis of such systems, where performance is evaluated in terms of induced L2-gain. The results presented in the paper demonstrate that stability and performance can be evaluated by examining the feasibility of a parameterized set of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). The paper provides the analysis conditions to guarantee the asymptotic stability and H performance for FTC systems, in which instability, due to the false identification of the fault signals, is allowed to take place for a short period of time. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the qualifications of the proposed analysis and synthesis conditions for treating brief instability in the delayed FTC systems.

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