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Proceedings Papers

Volume 3: Vibration in Mechanical Systems; Modeling and Validation; Dynamic Systems and Control Education; Vibrations and Control of Systems; Modeling and Estimation for Vehicle Safety and Integrity; Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Aftertreatment Systems; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Their Applications; Dynamics and Control of Renewable Energy Systems; Energy Harvesting; Control of Smart Buildings and Microgrids; Energy Systems

Vibration in Mechanical Systems

Modeling and Validation

Dynamic Systems and Control Education

Vibrations and Control of Systems

Modeling and Estimation for Vehicle Safety and Integrity

Modeling and Control of IC Engines and Aftertreatment Systems

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Their Applications

Dynamics and Control of Renewable Energy Systems

Energy Harvesting

Control of Smart Buildings and Microgrids

Energy Systems

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