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Proceedings Papers

Volume 3: Multiagent Network Systems; Natural Gas and Heat Exchangers; Path Planning and Motion Control; Powertrain Systems; Rehab Robotics; Robot Manipulators; Rollover Prevention (AVS); Sensors and Actuators; Time Delay Systems; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamics Control; Vibration and Control of Smart Structures/Mech Systems; Vibration Issues in Mechanical Systems

Multiagent Network Systems

Topics: Density

Natural Gas and Heat Exchangers

Path Planning and Motion Control

Powertrain Systems

Rehab Robotics

Robot Manipulators

Rollover Prevention (AVS)

Sensors and Actuators

Time Delay Systems

Tracking Control Systems

Uncertain Systems and Robustness

Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics

Vehicle Dynamics Control

Vibration and Control of Smart Structures/Mech Systems

Vibration Issues in Mechanical Systems

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