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Proceedings Papers

Volume 2: Dynamic Modeling and Diagnostics in Biomedical Systems; Dynamics and Control of Wind Energy Systems; Vehicle Energy Management Optimization; Energy Storage, Optimization; Transportation and Grid Applications; Estimation and Identification Methods, Tracking, Detection, Alternative Propulsion Systems; Ground and Space Vehicle Dynamics; Intelligent Transportation Systems and Control; Energy Harvesting; Modeling and Control for Thermo-Fluid Applications, IC Engines, Manufacturing

Dynamical Modeling and Diagnostics in Biomedical Systems

Dynamics and Control of Wind Energy Systems

Energy Management Optimization for Conventional and Hybrid Vehicles

Energy Storage and Optimization

Energy Storage: Transportation and Grid Applications

Energy Storage: Transportation Applications

Estimation and Identification Methods

Estimation and Tracking

Estimation, Detection and Tracking

Ground and Space Vehicle Dynamics

Intelligent Systems Control

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Mechatronics for Energy Harvesting

Modeling and Control for Thermo-Fluid Applications

Modeling and Control of IC Engines

Modeling and Control of Manufacturing Processes

Modeling and Estimation of Alternative Propulsion Systems

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