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Proceedings Papers

Volume 1: Active Control of Aerospace Structure; Motion Control; Aerospace Control; Assistive Robotic Systems; Bio-Inspired Systems; Biomedical/Bioengineering Applications; Building Energy Systems; Condition Based Monitoring; Control Design for Drilling Automation; Control of Ground Vehicles, Manipulators, Mechatronic Systems; Controls for Manufacturing; Distributed Control; Dynamic Modeling for Vehicle Systems; Dynamics and Control of Mobile and Locomotion Robots; Electrochemical Energy Systems

Advances in Active Control of Aerospace Structure

Advances in Motion Control

Aerospace Control Applications

Assistive Robotic Systems

Bio-Inspired Systems

Biomedical and Bioengineering Applications

Building Energy Systems

Condition Based Monitoring

Control Design for Drilling Automation

Control of Ground Vehicles

Control of Manipulators

Control of Mechatronic Systems

Controls for Manufacturing

Distributed Control

Dynamic Systems Modeling for the Design and Optimization of Vehicle Systems

Dynamics and Control of Mobile and Locomotion Robots

Electrochemical Energy Systems

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