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Proceedings Papers

Volume 2: Control, Monitoring, and Energy Harvesting of Vibratory Systems; Cooperative and Networked Control; Delay Systems; Dynamical Modeling and Diagnostics in Biomedical Systems; Estimation and Id of Energy Systems; Fault Detection; Flow and Thermal Systems; Haptics and Hand Motion; Human Assistive Systems and Wearable Robots; Instrumentation and Characterization in Bio-Systems; Intelligent Transportation Systems; Linear Systems and Robust Control; Marine Vehicles; Nonholonomic Systems

Control, Monitoring, and Energy Harvesting of Vibratory Systems: Analysis and Passive Control

Control, Monitoring, and Energy Harvesting of Vibratory Systems: Energy Harvesting

Cooperative and Networked Control

Delay Systems

Dynamical Modeling and Diagnostics in Biomedical Systems

Estimation and Identification of Energy Systems

Fault Detection

Flow and Thermal Systems

Haptics and Hand Motion

Human Assistive Systems and Wearable Robots: Applications and Assessment

Human Assistive Systems and Wearable Robots: Design and Control

Instrumentation and Characterization in Bio-Systems

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Linear Systems and Robust Control

Marine Vehicles

Nonholonomic Systems

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