The need to track inventory and material transfers in processing plants is almost universal. That is part of the reason we were asked to participate in this conference. Because, most of our experience is in industries other than citrus processing. We agreed to write this paper expecting that the experience of other processing industries could be useful. Someone called this a cross pollination experiment.
A common denominator in industry, indeed life, is money. We may confuse each other with terms such as Brix, degrees API, yield, etc., but dollars we understand. The need to know how many pounds of juice produced and stored is analogous to measuring the gallons of gasoline produced and stored. In both cases we ultimately need to know the value of product produced per dollar of raw materials consumed and the value of the current product inventory.
We will review the need for flow and inventory measurements, the current citrus industry practices and potential opportunities for improved measurements by using currently available proven technology.
Paper published with permission.