Dried citrus pulp is an important by-product of the citrus processing industry. It is a bulky, granular, carbohydrate concentrate livestock feed produced by drying the peel, seed, and rag refuse of citrus fruit. Approximately 324,159 tons of citrus pulp were produced in 1964–65 (2). This amount will probably increase by more than 60 percent during the next 10 years, since the orange crop is expected to increase from the 1964–65 estimate of 83,000,000 boxes to 183,000,000 by 1975 with 80 percent of the oranges being processed (7). The 1975 grapefruit crop is expected to be 30,000,000 boxes with over one-half being processed. These increases in citrus production could mean that by 1975 over 650,000 tons of dried pulp would be produced in the State.

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