
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns on public health and household safety. Contamination of carry-home items by the SARS-CoV2 virus represents a potential risk to households. The common method of manual wipedown of carry-home items using liquid-form disinfectants is not a controlled and standardized process due to differences in operator performance and various surface types and topology. This project aims to develop a cost-effective and convenient UVC sanitization device that accommodates carry-home items of different surface topologies. The device is designed in the form of a flexible wrap and can be manually fabricated using readily available off-the-shelf components. Preliminary testing has shown that the device is capable of producing minimum UVC intensity of 27.17μW/cm2 at 275nm wavelength which exceeds the minimum value of 19.97μW/cm2 required to deactivate the coronavirus in 30 seconds.

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