This abstract summarizes the development of a new apparatus designed to test hydrocephalic shunts. Hydrocephalus is a medical condition most commonly characterized by above-normal intracranial pressure (ICP) that occurs when a patient’s head cannot properly regulate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volume in the head. The condition is generally caused by a blockage to flow of CSF in the normal biological pathways. This can result from a birth defect, trauma, or disease. In a hydrocephalic patient, excess fluid builds up in the ventricles resulting in increased mechanical stress and physical deformation of the brain. Untreated, this condition can be quite severe and can lead to brain damage or death. Standard treatment involves implanting an artificial shunt to drain the ventricle and bypass the blockage. The CSF is normally routed to the abdominal cavity. Reducing fluid volume alleviates high ICP and mechanical stress on the brain. Shunting improves the survival rate from 30 to 60 percent for untreated patients to 65 to 95 percent for patients with shunt systems installed [1].

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