Importance of turbulence and radiation interaction (TRI) has been investigated in a turbulent channel flow by using direct numerical simulation (DNS) to clarify detailed turbulent flow structure and heat transfer mechanisms. To investigate the effect of correlation functions between gas absorption and temperature fluctuation, the two cases of correlation are tested. Consequently, the TRI effect can be clearly observed when the correlation is positive. This fact provides the evidence that radiative intensity is enhanced by the turbulent fluctuation. The DNS results suggest the significance in the fundamental aspect of TRI. Furthermore, effects of frictional Reynolds number, Reτ, are investigated. Comparing with the case of Reτ = 150, the location of the enhancement peaks of Reτ = 300 shifts toward the walls. It is found that the relative importance of the TRI correspond to the structure of temperature fluctuation intensity originated from the differences of the Reτ.

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